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A Great Big Thanks!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Houston extends a Big Thanks to all our mentors! You’re part of something Big. January is National Mentoring Month, so pass it on… tell someone you know about mentoring and how much fun being a Big Brother or Big Sister can be. We are always looking for additional mentors for our programs.
January is National Mentoring Month
Apply today and make mentoring one of your 2006 goals.
For as little as four hours per month you can make a difference in the life of a child.
Our Impact
National research and anecdotal evidence show that Big Brothers Big Sisters’ unique one-to-one mentoring relationships have a direct, measurable, and lasting impact on children’s lives. Youth who have a Big Brother or Big Sister are:
- 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs
- 27% less likely to start drinking
- 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school
- 37% less likely to skip a class
- More trusting of their parents or guardians, less likely to lie to them, and feel more supported and less criticized by their peers and friends
- Almost one third less likely to resort to violence as a means of solving problems
Our Programs
Community-based Program
Volunteers provide Littles with one-on-one time and attention in their communities, typically two to four times a month. During these unstructured outings they cultivate relationships that provide children with skills to manage every day challenges. Through simple friendship, Bigs experience the joy of helping children discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.
School-based Program
Volunteers provide Littles with one-on-one time and attention in their schools, typically once a week during the academic year. Teachers identify children who can benefit most from interaction with a caring adult. As their friendships evolve, volunteers and children discover ways to make school and learning fun.
Our Process
cjs vape shopBig Brothers Big Sisters works closely with parents and guardians to match every child with the right Big. Every volunteer is screened, trained, and supervised, and professionals in youth development support each match to help ensure that the relationship will be safe and rewarding for everyone involved.
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